This week Islay and I made cranberry oatmeal bar (well, Islay was mainly picking at the bowl). It was super easy and delicious! It’s something Jon can eat, too. Just like the last time, I reduced the amount of sugar and I am glad I did that. I garnished some chocolate chips on top but maybe it’s better to mix them with the last layer. The original recipe is by Veggie Inspired (
Adjusted recipe for the cranberry oatmeal bar
A… 2 cups old fashioned oats (I used the porridge oats from Coop)
A… 1 cup white all purpose flour
A… ½ cup coconut sugar
A… 1 tsp baking powder
A… tsp ground cinnamon
A… ½ tsp salt
B… ½ cup coconut oil
B… ¼ cup runny almond butter
¼ - ½ cup dairy free milk (I used semi oat milk)
½ cups cranberry sauce
sprinkle of chocolate chips (optional)
I used two shallow baking pans -one for baking and one for pressing down. The original recipe recommends a parchment paper but it was totally fine without it.
- Pre heat the oven at 180.
- Combine A.
- Combine B (warm them up in the microwave if needed) and add it to A. Squeeze the mixture between fingers!
- Coat one baking pan with oil. Make a layer of the mixture, cranberry sauce and the mixture. Press the the layers well.
- Bake it for 30-40 (30 mins was good) and cool it for 20 mins before cutting.